◆ While holding down the pump screw, turn the nozzle to the left and press it several times until the contents come out.
◆ After washing your face, remove an appropriate amount (1-2 pushes) on the cotton or palm and blend in the skin.
◆ After the sunrise, please use it after the redness and flutter of the skin subsidiary.
◆ The contents may be yellowish, but there is no problem with quality.
◆ The active ingredient may crystallize and adhere to the mouth of the pump, but there is no problem with the quality.
◆ Do not place it in a high temperature or a sunny place
Formulation: Niacin Aamide *, purified water, 1,3 -butlene glycol, dark gricerin, jiglycerin, collagen and trypeptide F, sodium hyaluronate (2), water -soluble collagen solution (A), 2 -ethylhexantic acid. , Acrylic Acrylic acid, Alkyl Acrylic acid, Alkyl Acrylic acid, Sodium Acrylic acid, Acrylicohil Zimethyltaurin Saltoium, Sodium Isehexadecan / Polisolbate 80, Sodium Edet acid, Carboxybinyl Polimar, Tetra 2 -Ethyl Hexante Penta Rittrit In Policiloxane, monoolate sorbitan, apple acid dystryl, sodium hydrogen hydrogen, sodium phosphate, sodium hydrogen, vegetable squalane, sodium hydroxide, hydrogen adda soybean phospholipids, phenoxyetanol *;
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